The idea of this lesson is to teach beginners the basics (solid one's) for online marketing. Many of you really want to do some money online don't know where to start. As you saw in the first lesson, the best place to start is your own blog. So, we want your blog indexed by Google fast so do this correctly and Google will start sending traffic to your site.
Ok, let's start Lesson 2
1. Indexing - This refers to the search engines. The search engines know that your site exists? Try to query the search engine using your URL address : (my URL is http://makemoney-onlineguide.blogspot.com) http://your adress.blogspot.com and if you see your site then you have been indexed but if it says that no page exists by that name then you aren't indexed.
There are lots of search engines but we are interested in the top three; Google, Yahoo and MSN.
Now go to Google and type - "how to make money online" - Google will look through all the pages it has indexed from all the sites on the Internet in order to present you with a list of the most relevant sites concerning your query.
2. Page Content.
Google likes the most unique content. You will get indexed very fast if you use original material on your blog. If you copy and paste content found elsewhere on the Internet you won't get indexed very fast and usually not at all. You can also get into copyright troubles doing this.
3. The age of a website or blog
If the site is older then it's much better for you. This is not crucial, but Google will give older sites a higher preference over new sites simply to eliminate all the spam blogs and sites that are created daily from dominating its index. This can be overcome with the proper technique.
4. Keywords
The term keyword simply refers to what your topic is. If I wanted some info on Audi Cars, I would type in "Audi Cars" on Google and it would present me with a list of sites related to Audi Cars. Google uses keywords to generate its search. If you have a website or blog that discusses Audi Cars and you have used this keyword enough times in your posts then Google will rightly assume that your website is about Audi Cars. If you only used the keyword once while talking about German Technique then Google will probably not use your site in its list for Audi Cars but may decide that your site is about German Technique instead.
Keywords are the most important for getting your site listed in the proper category. If you are starting a blog that talks about Audi Cars then you had better make sure that the search engines know what your site is about. This is done by using your prime Keywords in your page titles, post titles and a few times in your articles. but beware using your keywords too many times will get you into trouble with Google because they will see your site as a spam blog and delete you from their index. The rule is that to use your keyword 5, 6 or 7 times per 100 words. This is very important.
5. Content Volume
The better way is to produce more pages. Search engines like the content of your page. By keep adding pages to your blog or website, the search engines will crawl you regularly and your site will get listed more often when your keywords are queried.
6. Page Rank and Back Links
Page rank is associated with back links. For example, if you followed the first lesson then you have now created a blog on Googles' Blogspot.com. It is highly unlikely that Google has found your blog yet but if it has then you would be indexed for whatever topic you picked. Someone looking for your post using Google search would likely find your site listed a couple of hundred pages deep in the search listings but you want to be on the first page to get the best traffic. To get on the first page you need page rank and back links.
Let me explain this further.
Every site is ranked between 0 and 10. The higher the number the more important your site is. If your site is a 10 then I guarantee your site will be listed on the first page and no doubt in the top position. Currently the new blog you set up has a ranking of 0 (zero). Content and the age of your site will gain you some ranking over time. If you do nothing else but post unique content then you might get a ranking of 2 in a year from now, possibly sooner. A ranking of 2 will not get you much traffic. How can you speed up your ranking? Simple... get back links and get lots of them.
6.1 Back Links
What are back links? They are links placed on other websites or blogs or forums or directories that connect people to your site. In other words they are click-able links that point back at your site. The theory is that the more sites that have links pointing back at your site the more important your site must be. This makes sense. If other sites are sending traffic to your site then you must be some kind of authority for your niche or topic. As a result Google will give you a higher page rank because of your importance. With a higher page rank your site will then get listed higher in the searches.
There are some rules to this however. The back links that count must be relevant to your topic. If your site is about "Audi Cars" then links from auto forums and auto sites sites are great. If you have links from a site like mine then Google will ignore the links because my site is in no way relevant to Audi Cars.
The page rank of the sites giving you links is very important. If you get 1 hundred links from pet stores to your Audi Cars site but all the incoming links are from sites with 0 page rank then your site get a ranking of 1 or 2. If you get half a dozen links from relevant sites that have a page ranks of 5 or higher then you will end up being ranked a 4 or 5. If you can get a link from a page rank 7 or higher you will vault up the rankings quickly and the age of your site will not matter.
One last thing. You will gain more from one way links. Lots of sites that has content like yours will want to trade links with you. -They link to you and you link to them-. This is a two way link. This won't help you much but the exception would be if the other site has a high page rank.
The Google Sandbox
One of the most confusing programs they employ is the sandbox, a system that keeps your site off the search result's (you don't get indexed) for a indeterminate period of time. They did this to stop spam sites from getting indexed fast. A new site could stay in the sandbox for 6 months collecting quality backlinks and lots of unique content and still not get listed in the searches. Then one day you find Google suddenly recognizes all the back links and content and bumps your site way up the charts.
Articles :
Write an article about your Blog's subject matter and post it.
The rules
Use about 400 words.
- Keywords 24 times in the whole article.
- Keyword in the Blog Post Title.
- Keyword in the first sentence.
- Keyword in the final sentence.
IMPORTANT : Put your link (link to your site) in the link field so that the post links back to your site - Your link is http://yoursite.blogspot.com - replace "yoursite" with your sites url.
Now post your article on your Blog and after you have finished on your Blog go to GoArticles.com
Go to : Submit/Edit An Article
Fill out the info to join GoArticles.com (It's free) and then re-write your article leaving all your keywords the same but use synonyms for all the rest of the main words.
NOTE : If Google finds duplicate articles they will not index the pages that the articles are on. This way you will get your blog indexed. Write the article and put a backlink into your article that will point back to your site from whatever sites end up downloading your article and posting it as content on their sites. The sites using your article will likely not get the page indexed as Google will hit them for duplicate content. You won't have to worry because the GoArticles post is different from your Blog post. While your competition is busy not being indexed using your article you will be getting indexed because of your unique content. Your competition actually helps you by giving you backlinks while you hurt them by giving them duplicate content. Imagine there were only ten sites on the net that competed for planting flowera. Your site uses unique content and you supply the other 9 sites with duplicate content embedded with backlinks to your site. What would Google see? They would rank you at the top as the authority because all the other sites are pointing at you.
Obviously you will never get all the competition pointing to you but out of every 1 million competitors for every keyword I bet 99% use duplicate content which is how the 1% that use unique content get listed on the first few pages. Out of a million competing sites you really only have 50 to 100 real rivals, others that know what they are doing and are working on their rankings. You just have to out perform these sites to get top ranking. Stick with me and I will show you how.
Be ready because in the next days i will post LESSON 3!
Ok, let's start Lesson 2
1. Indexing - This refers to the search engines. The search engines know that your site exists? Try to query the search engine using your URL address : (my URL is http://makemoney-onlineguide.blogspot.com) http://your adress.blogspot.com and if you see your site then you have been indexed but if it says that no page exists by that name then you aren't indexed.
There are lots of search engines but we are interested in the top three; Google, Yahoo and MSN.
Now go to Google and type - "how to make money online" - Google will look through all the pages it has indexed from all the sites on the Internet in order to present you with a list of the most relevant sites concerning your query.
2. Page Content.
Google likes the most unique content. You will get indexed very fast if you use original material on your blog. If you copy and paste content found elsewhere on the Internet you won't get indexed very fast and usually not at all. You can also get into copyright troubles doing this.
3. The age of a website or blog
If the site is older then it's much better for you. This is not crucial, but Google will give older sites a higher preference over new sites simply to eliminate all the spam blogs and sites that are created daily from dominating its index. This can be overcome with the proper technique.
4. Keywords
The term keyword simply refers to what your topic is. If I wanted some info on Audi Cars, I would type in "Audi Cars" on Google and it would present me with a list of sites related to Audi Cars. Google uses keywords to generate its search. If you have a website or blog that discusses Audi Cars and you have used this keyword enough times in your posts then Google will rightly assume that your website is about Audi Cars. If you only used the keyword once while talking about German Technique then Google will probably not use your site in its list for Audi Cars but may decide that your site is about German Technique instead.
Keywords are the most important for getting your site listed in the proper category. If you are starting a blog that talks about Audi Cars then you had better make sure that the search engines know what your site is about. This is done by using your prime Keywords in your page titles, post titles and a few times in your articles. but beware using your keywords too many times will get you into trouble with Google because they will see your site as a spam blog and delete you from their index. The rule is that to use your keyword 5, 6 or 7 times per 100 words. This is very important.
5. Content Volume
The better way is to produce more pages. Search engines like the content of your page. By keep adding pages to your blog or website, the search engines will crawl you regularly and your site will get listed more often when your keywords are queried.
6. Page Rank and Back Links
Page rank is associated with back links. For example, if you followed the first lesson then you have now created a blog on Googles' Blogspot.com. It is highly unlikely that Google has found your blog yet but if it has then you would be indexed for whatever topic you picked. Someone looking for your post using Google search would likely find your site listed a couple of hundred pages deep in the search listings but you want to be on the first page to get the best traffic. To get on the first page you need page rank and back links.
Let me explain this further.
Every site is ranked between 0 and 10. The higher the number the more important your site is. If your site is a 10 then I guarantee your site will be listed on the first page and no doubt in the top position. Currently the new blog you set up has a ranking of 0 (zero). Content and the age of your site will gain you some ranking over time. If you do nothing else but post unique content then you might get a ranking of 2 in a year from now, possibly sooner. A ranking of 2 will not get you much traffic. How can you speed up your ranking? Simple... get back links and get lots of them.
6.1 Back Links
What are back links? They are links placed on other websites or blogs or forums or directories that connect people to your site. In other words they are click-able links that point back at your site. The theory is that the more sites that have links pointing back at your site the more important your site must be. This makes sense. If other sites are sending traffic to your site then you must be some kind of authority for your niche or topic. As a result Google will give you a higher page rank because of your importance. With a higher page rank your site will then get listed higher in the searches.
There are some rules to this however. The back links that count must be relevant to your topic. If your site is about "Audi Cars" then links from auto forums and auto sites sites are great. If you have links from a site like mine then Google will ignore the links because my site is in no way relevant to Audi Cars.
The page rank of the sites giving you links is very important. If you get 1 hundred links from pet stores to your Audi Cars site but all the incoming links are from sites with 0 page rank then your site get a ranking of 1 or 2. If you get half a dozen links from relevant sites that have a page ranks of 5 or higher then you will end up being ranked a 4 or 5. If you can get a link from a page rank 7 or higher you will vault up the rankings quickly and the age of your site will not matter.
One last thing. You will gain more from one way links. Lots of sites that has content like yours will want to trade links with you. -They link to you and you link to them-. This is a two way link. This won't help you much but the exception would be if the other site has a high page rank.
The Google Sandbox
One of the most confusing programs they employ is the sandbox, a system that keeps your site off the search result's (you don't get indexed) for a indeterminate period of time. They did this to stop spam sites from getting indexed fast. A new site could stay in the sandbox for 6 months collecting quality backlinks and lots of unique content and still not get listed in the searches. Then one day you find Google suddenly recognizes all the back links and content and bumps your site way up the charts.
Articles :
Write an article about your Blog's subject matter and post it.
The rules
Use about 400 words.
- Keywords 24 times in the whole article.
- Keyword in the Blog Post Title.
- Keyword in the first sentence.
- Keyword in the final sentence.
IMPORTANT : Put your link (link to your site) in the link field so that the post links back to your site - Your link is http://yoursite.blogspot.com - replace "yoursite" with your sites url.
Now post your article on your Blog and after you have finished on your Blog go to GoArticles.com
Go to : Submit/Edit An Article
Fill out the info to join GoArticles.com (It's free) and then re-write your article leaving all your keywords the same but use synonyms for all the rest of the main words.
NOTE : If Google finds duplicate articles they will not index the pages that the articles are on. This way you will get your blog indexed. Write the article and put a backlink into your article that will point back to your site from whatever sites end up downloading your article and posting it as content on their sites. The sites using your article will likely not get the page indexed as Google will hit them for duplicate content. You won't have to worry because the GoArticles post is different from your Blog post. While your competition is busy not being indexed using your article you will be getting indexed because of your unique content. Your competition actually helps you by giving you backlinks while you hurt them by giving them duplicate content. Imagine there were only ten sites on the net that competed for planting flowera. Your site uses unique content and you supply the other 9 sites with duplicate content embedded with backlinks to your site. What would Google see? They would rank you at the top as the authority because all the other sites are pointing at you.
Obviously you will never get all the competition pointing to you but out of every 1 million competitors for every keyword I bet 99% use duplicate content which is how the 1% that use unique content get listed on the first few pages. Out of a million competing sites you really only have 50 to 100 real rivals, others that know what they are doing and are working on their rankings. You just have to out perform these sites to get top ranking. Stick with me and I will show you how.
Be ready because in the next days i will post LESSON 3!
That's all for now!
Later Folks!
Later Folks!
1 comment:
Just received my check for over $500.
Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can earn filling out paid surveys at home...
So I took a video of myself getting paid over $500 for paid surveys to set the record straight once and for all.
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